{Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Arms}

Hey, friends! It is I, Mikayla with yet another post for you all. This week the rest of the bloggers, like many readers I’m sure, are at God’s Missionary Youth Camp! I sadly was unable to go for health/scheduling issues, but I do get to post this article for you all! Give me some feedback in the comments:))

Open mind, open heart, open arms…three aspects of grace, healing and redemption. We’ll go down the trusty chronological study method. 

-Open mind-
What is having an open mind? Having an open mind can be a game changer in a number of ways. First off, it breaks through a narrow mindset, allowing a new prospective. Similar to how this helps in many situations, it also does with circumstantial things in life. I feel as though not only in our walk with Christ, but in general life scenarios, when things are escalating we don’t always have an open mind. 

Consider this; let’s say you’re facing disappointment, you don’t get the news you were hoping for, or the outcome of an anticipated hope fails and your situation seems negative in all ways—do you have an open mind then?
It wouldn’t be easy. 
It’s never easy
There’s always hope in any situation. The Lord has delivered you. Choose to  have an open mind—trust it can be just as positive as it is negative. Trust God is working. Don’t confine yourself to the narrow, negative mindset. That will only lead to bitterness. Desire to discern God’s will for that situation. Romans 12:12 goes to point out…”do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” Choose to see the God in your circumstance. Have an open mind. 

-Open heart-
I know that last part was lengthy, so I’ll try to keep this short and to the point. 
A book I’m currently reading, ‘Gentle and Lowly’ by Dane Ortlund reflects on Christ’s heart and love for sinners. A quote I took away from it today read, 
“The minimum bar to be enfolded into the embrace of Jesus is simply; open yourself to Him. That’s all He needs.” - Dane Ortlund 

“…That’s all He needs.”

So, you mean all Jesus needs from me in order to receive me is for me to be…open? Yes, friend. He desires us open our hearts, lives and being to His love. This fascinated me…why? Because all Jesus needs from me in order for Him to wrap me up in the defining grace, guiding me from my mistakes to His higher love for me—starts with me opening my heart to His. Telling Him all my cares, concerns and anxieties. It’s such a simple start.
Opening our hearts to His is just the beginning. Have an open heart.

-Open arms-
This. This is the third point, a point of high importance. 

 The well known verse in the eleventh chapter in Matthew goes on to say, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Come unto me.

This verse holds incredible, incredible truth. I’ll put it in simple terms for you…

Jesus wants you. 

Jesus wants you. 

Jesus desires to hold you. To comfort you. To wrap you up in His undying love. Go to Him, friend. Run into those open arms. He wants you. He wants your heart and mind. He wants your pain, your regrets, your disappointment, your scars—He wants you. What makes you. He wants you. Give Him your all. Release, and fall into Jesus’s open arms today!

Open mind, open heart, open arms—three principles to live by. I know for some it’s hard to be open to people they are close to, let alone God. Those who have become somewhat closed off to Christ; you have nothing to lose by loving Him. Let Him love you and annoint your life by letting Him love you. He will manifest Himself, friends! Take these thoughts with you today!

Lots of love, Mikayla <3


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