Clean Hands & A Pure Heart | IHC Recap

Clean Hands & A Pure Heart | IHC Recap 

Psalm 24:3-4  

"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully."

This year at the Interchurch Holiness Convention, the theme was “clean hands and a pure heart.” This theme comes from Psalm 24:3-4. Without the blood of Christ, He would be the only one with clean hands and a pure heart, for He alone is holy. It is only through His sacrifice that we are able to be cleaned and cleansed.  The power of His blood paved the way for us to serve and worship Him. If you have not experienced living life with clean hands and a pure heart, there is still hope for you.  This theme was well chosen and created an atmosphere of thankfulness to Christ. His amazing grace is the reason why over 4,000 people (and more online) gather to worship Him.  

Three out of the five bloggers were privileged to attend this year’s convention. It was truly a blessing for each one of us, and we are going to share some of our personal experiences from this convention. 

Erin Fuller

IHC is always a highlight and this year was one of the best years yet. It was an incredible experience to gather with other Christians to worship and dwell in the presence of God. The services were packed full with great truth and anointed preaching. I deeply appreciated the Wednesday night service when Bro. Stetler preached a tremendous sermon warning us to guard against the “little things” that can cause us to stumble. From reconnecting with friends over coffee, to listening to the mass choir, and the roll call - these are all memories that I will treasure forever. IHC helps me to realize that there is more to the holiness movement than just my little world. It is easy to get discouraged on this journey, however it is encouraging to know that I’m not in this alone.  I’m thankful I was able to attend this year, and I can’t wait until next year! 

Mikayla Poff

Believe it or not, this IHC was my first. Y’all, I left that convention so so so refreshed. God brought little things to my attention, and manifested them throughout the week. I got so much soul food, and I am so very thankful God provided a way for my family to go! I had a blast with friends, making new ones and seeing my Bible college peeps;) Next year I’ll hopefully be in choir at Bible college, so looking forward to that and the amazing times to come!

Miranda Poff

This was my very first year at IHC and I absolutely loved it. The services were on point and honestly, exactly what I needed. It was so amazing to see all of my friends and family. I seriously can't wait for next year!

If you were able to attend this year, we would love it if you would share this post and include something that you enjoyed from IHC! Thanks for reading! 

Peace out, 

The Simply Blessed Bloggers 


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