A Butterflies View

Hey, friends! Today I want to talk about… butterflies. If you’re thinking, “I was expecting something deeper than that”, well hold on, it gets ocean floor deep haha! 

I’ll be frank, as a kid I wasn’t the girl who stopped and appreciated the beauty of a butterfly, haha! I was a big tomboy, but with this particular topic I think the beauty of a simple butterfly goes quite well.

I heard a quote several months ago that made me think…which I spend a lot of my energy doing, haha! But I remember thinking how this particular one goes hand in hand with a common struggle in our society. (You have to wait a little bit down the post to see it;)

Most of us probably learned the entomology of a butterfly in third or fourth grade. The process of a caterpillar’s transformation into a gorgeous butterfly—it’s a good message, but that’s not what I’m going with here. 

The quote I heard last September was, “…a butterfly can’t see its wings” 

It instantly made me think of our worth. What we see in ourselves often isn’t what God or any one else may see. 

Think about it…you’ve only seen yourself in what? A mirror. A photo. A cell phone. Reflection. You’ve never seen the way you genuinely look. 

A cellphone/digital device is a complex lot of  bits and bytes displayed in liquid crystals. (I did research just for you all, haha;) it’s digital. 

It can’t be life like. The modern digital device has indeed made some dramatic improvements in the last decade even, but as clear as a picture may be, it cannot replicate life image justly. Simply put, it cannot replace live in person sight. 

Another way we “see” ourselves is by mirror reflection. Mirrored images of ourselves—or any object is a collective amount of photons hitting a surface such as a mirror and angles it back to us to look at. Complicated, right? Studies have shown, and I know, that a mirrored image is the most realistic way of reflection. However, even as clear as a mirror is at reflecting, it too cannot do your image any justice. 

All facts aside, we can look at ourselves in the mirror and take a million different angled selfies—you can’t see your true unhinged, authentic beauty through them. 

Like a butterfly, you sometimes can’t see your outstanding beauty others admire so much about you.

We’re all aware of the picture society has painted. Comparison is absolutely everywhere.

Insecurities threaten to dominate our thoughts. It’s a real genuine struggle. Even in the holiness movement, friends. 

Here are some things to change your perspective…just please consider these things;

Often the things people admire most about you are the things you either are insecure about, hardly notice or doubt about yourself.

Things people have seen that you haven’t experienced are things such as the following;

You haven’t seen your genuine, authentic, unstaged laugh. You haven’t seen your face when you talk about something you are passionate about. You haven’t seen what other people see in you. 

You see friend, in Isaiah 43:4 God tells His children, “thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee…”  

Our Heavenly Father sees us as something precious! Talk about validation! 

The devil LOVES to whisper in our ears, especially when most vulnerable deceitful lies. I know he uses societies self imagery stereotypes. 

Here are some ways I have tried to tune out the devils lies concerning self worth; Just choose to take God’s word for it when He says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Choose to ignore satan, and BELIEVE you indeed are precious in His sight. Don’t rely on what you can see. We are flesh, and are very incapable of seeing the godly beauty God has created us as. A pure heart is a beautiful heart๐Ÿค

Listen, if you hear anything from me in this article, hear this; You are more precious than you will ever realize. Do NOT let the devil slip into your confident mindset. Choose to find your worth in Christ and never question it! 

Such as the butterfly, we won’t always see the beauty in ourselves. But, with a butterflies view let us never doubt our worth ๐Ÿค

Have a blessed weekend!


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