{Turning Doubts into Deliverance}

Hey, friends! It’s Mikayla, and I’m back with a post I pray will encourage you all today! 

I’ve been trying to get back in the groove of encouragement writing, but the devils been fighting! This is my way of fighting back ;)

A man we can get a lot of context and encouragement from, is Moses. When we look at Moses’ story, we see the courage, strength and leadership he showed. My first thought when I dwell on his story, is an imagery of the parted waters of the Red Sea. Now, THAT story wowed me as a kid! Imagine, God parting the SEA for the Israelites to flee! Ah, it still gives me chills! Another way I imagine Moses is this figure that was in every Bible story book I had…a strong, wise looking man with a long grey beard, haha! Anyway, that’s beside the point.

Now, Moses wasn’t all that brave at first. He too, suffered hard times. In his youth he had some trouble, he ran away to the wilderness in fear, and eventually he struggled in how he would ever deliver his people from Egypt. He had doubts—BIG doubts. How could he do this task God has asked him of? How could he face Pharaoh, again? How could he have the courage to lead?

But through those doubts and hardships, God came, picked him up and molded him into a leader for the Israelites. God delivered them bondage—using Moses. I’m sure Moses wasn’t exactly confident in the outcome of his circumstance. He probably had doubts just as you and I, on how any of it could turn to be good. But God turned his doubts into deliverance.

Similar to Moses’ story, we can have doubts of the outcome in life. Looking at things now, we may see no possible way any of it could be good. We doubt God will change things, and sadly some of us are tempted to give up.

But, friend, God will deliver you! In my mind, this phrase sometimes sticks as, “God will deliver me from my sins…”, while that is so important, I’m learning it can be so much more than that!
You see, deliverance comes in different ways. When the devil is fighting like never before, God will deliver you, if only you remain in His word.If you have a burden, God will deliver you from that, if only you give it to Him. You may be in a season of waiting—friends, God will deliver you in His time, because your waiting is certainly NOT for waste. Perhaps you’re being tested in life right now. God will deliver you from this, just take it one step at a time. You may be broken—God will lift you with His hand of deliverance and heal you! He’s done it for me, He can do it for you. 
In any situation you are in, it may seem so easy to doubt everything. You can’t possibly see how things will get better—you have absolutely no positivity.
God. Will. Bring. You. Through.
Psalms 34:4 goes on to say, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” 

Now, I’m not here to preach to you. I need this message as much, if not more than you do today. But please take these words, and dwell on them. This is God’s word, and incredible truths lie within. 

Just as Moses did, if we want to be delivered from our burdens, or whatever it is you have—we have to seek God. Tell Him what you’re feeling. He sees you, friends. He really does. He wants to help you, and deliver you from your pain. 
There have been times in my life, like anyone, where I doubt every. single. little. thing. You too? Hey, shout out to the overthinkers! Anyway, but in those moments of doubt, try to look up. Remember God is on your side, and wants to see you succeed! 
So as you go on about your day, remember this; God can turn your doubts into deliverance, if only you stay true to Him❤️
Peace out ✌️ -Mikayla Poff


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