Why Teenagers Need Church (Part 2)

Welcome back to Simply Blessed Blog! If you read our previous post reviewing Youth Discovery, if not be sure to go back and read it, this post is our second part of  "Why Teenagers Need Church." In this post, we review our experiences at Central Pennsylvania Youth Convention. All five bloggers were able to attend this year, which made it so special! 

Here's what we thought... 

Kayla's Korner (aka. Mikayla Poff)

I’ve been going to Central Pennsylvania Youth Convention for a few years, and it never disappoints. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but God comes in such a sweet way. Here’s what I gained from CPYC ’22, ‘Rescued’;

Brother Gareth Nickerson preached a Sunday session, and I enjoyed hearing his story, context and overall message--but one thing stood out. He made mention of the convention’s theme image, and how if we visualize the image’s context, we can see ourselves in the image. God picking us up, rescuing us from the fire we face. I don’t know about you, but I know there have been times where I can’t face the fire. Not alone. Then God, being the big God He is, rescued me from the fires life throws at me. He can carry you, too, friend. I hope you keep this thought with you :)

Elegantly Erin (aka. Erin Fuller)

Central Pennsylvania Youth Convention is one of my favorite weekends of the entire year!  It's a time where I can unplug from my daily life and reconnect with God in a deeper way. God always comes in the services in such a powerful way that is unexplainable. This year was no different! He came in each of the services, through the singing, special music, and the sermons. 

One of the services that especially stood out to me was Sunday morning when Bro. Buckler spoke from 1 Peter 5. He was preaching about the opposition of the enemy and how the devil will distract us in order to destroy us. It was also encouraging, since he brought up the fact that God can rescue us from the opposition of the devil. The fact that God can keep us from falling is absolutely incredible! It was a needful reminder for me personally. It reminded me to be more aware of the “little things” in my life and to stay true to Christ! I can’t wait until next year! 

Perfectly Poff (aka. Miranda Poff)

This was my third year going to CPYC, and it is always a blast. I loved the theme of being rescued, the services were amazing and what I really needed. They were super encouraging and uplifting! Getting to spend time with my friends was also so special! Overall, CPYC '22 was a fun time! 

Authentically Allison (aka. Allison Myers)

I've been going to CPYC for several years, but it seems to get better and better every year. The atmosphere is truly special. Each service was awesome, the presence of God was there is every service. It was great to connect with friends! I can't wait for next year!:))

Artistically Inspired (aka. Emmaus Roberts)

Youth convention this year was awesome!!! Why? Well,  in every service God's presence was there in a way that was so real. People were praising God and sought him every night at the altar, you could just tell God was working. I also loved the activities, mostly talking for me. I was able to reconnect with people and meet new people overall it was a blessing and a blast.

Teenagers need church, because it challenges us to be better Christians. When we see other teenagers serving Christ, it grows our desires to serve Jesus. By being stronger Christians, we become better people. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! 

-The Bloggers-


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