Why Teenagers Need Church (Part 1)

Why Teenagers Need Church (Part 1)

Throughout the year, we bloggers will be attending several church events, including youth conventions, youth camps, and camp meetings! We will be doing our best to share our experiences at each of these events. For every post, there will be one reason why teenagers need church, so be sure to read to the end! We hope that you enjoy reading these posts, and will come to realize how much we love attending these church functions.

Our first post will be about participation in the Youth Discovery at Duncannon God's Missionary Church. Three of the bloggers were able to be there, including Emmaus, Allison, and Erin. The theme for this year was "Real." Youth Discovery is held annually in the month of January. The setting is welcoming and inviting.


Here's what we thought:

Emmaus Roberts (aka. Artistically Inspired)

Youth Discovery this year was great! First off, there was an atmosphere of praise and God was definitely there. He was so real in every service. God spoke through the music, preaching, and powerful testimonies. The activities were super fun and I loved the opportunity to meet new people, as well as talk with the ones I already knew. I'm so glad that I got to be there this year and can't wait for next year! 

Erin Fuller (aka. Elegantly Erin)

Youth Discovery is always a highlight of my year, and this year was definitely one for the books! From ice skating, to fellowshiping with friends, and the wonderful services, it truly was an amazing weekend. God met with us in a powerful way that I will never forget! It rejuvenated my spiritual life and inspired me to draw closer to Christ! 

Allison Myers (aka. Authentically Allison)

I had such an awesome time this past weekend. The atmosphere is always great! I love meeting new people and hanging out with my friends, but most of all I am so thankful for God's presence. I was so encouraged by the messages and needless to say I am so excited for next year.

If you are interested in attending Youth Discovery next year, we highly recommend this event to you! It is an experience that you will not regret having!

Teenagers need church, because it unites them. When young people are gathered together to worship the Lord, it does something for them that cannot be explained. It allows them to feel connected to one another, and to build healthy, Christian relationships that will last for a lifetime.

Thanks for reading!

-The Bloggers-


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