Cultivating Consistency

Life is busy, and that is an understatement as we are approaching the holiday season. From shopping lists, a Thanksgiving turkey to prepare, special events, Christmas program practices, and the list could go on forever.

It is easy to drift apart from God during times that are extremely busy. So, how can we avoid spiritual drift? How can we stay consistent as Christians during the holiday season?

First of all, keep reading the Word of God. As simple as it may sound, reading God’s word is vital in order to stay close to God. His Word is often one of the ways He speaks to us, and if we are neglecting it is easy to drift. I find in my own personal life that if I just take 5 minutes to read God’s word, it makes such a difference in my day. 

Don’t worry about keeping yourself to a time restraint -  I just encourage you to spend time with God daily.   Reading God’s Word enables us to be more aware of His presence throughout the rest of the day. Be creative about your time with God, perhaps a specific Thanksgiving reading plan or an advent devotional would be best for you.

Successfulness does not come from what you do occasionally, but from what you do consistently. You may not always feel like having your devotions, however your feelings should not drive our devotion to Christ.

Secondly, find time to serve others. Oftentimes, the holiday season forces us to be focused on ourselves and on what we need to accomplish. While we should not desert our self-care, we should also be cautious of developing an attitude that is self-centered.

The Bible teaches us to serve others. If you read through the Gospels, you will see all throughout Jesus’ time on Earth that he served others constantly. Pray and seek the Lord about who you can serve this holiday season. Acts 20:35 says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” 

Thirdly, fill your mind with truth. Whether it be a Christian audiobook, a sermon, a podcast, or Christian music, ensure that you are playing things that remind you of God. Intentionally find music that keeps your mind on Christ.

Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Music is a powerful tool that can draw us closer to Christ.

Fourthly, when you are feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, take your anxiety to Christ. The holidays are often more stressful for some of us, but I encourage you to “cast all your cares upon him” (1 Peter 5:7). From my experience, it is easy to get stressed out when things are out of our control.

However, instead of dwelling on these emotions, turn them over to Christ who is in control of everything. He will replace your anxiety with His perfect peace. "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” - Corrie Ten Boom

I believe that the devil uses our busyness to distract us from the things that are important - such as having an attitude of thankfulness. I challenge each of you, including myself, to take some time to reflect on Christ’s work in you. Seek closeness with God, for it is truly the greatest gift of all.

P.S. Here are a few of my favorite music albums + podcasts if you're looking for some!

Podcasts - The Daily Grace Podcast & Truth Talks With Tara

Music - God is Faithful by the Clark Family & Who We Are by the Heath Brothers


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