The God of the Now

Hey, y’all! It’s Mikayla and—okay these intros to my posts only get more boring. 

All you needa know is I’m Mikayla and you should read the post:)

So, what is an encouraging phrase we hear a lot?

It’s going to be okay. 

Things will get better.

You’ll get through this. 

If you’re like me, these phrases can be very frustrating when you’re struggling. If I had a dollar for every time someone recently said to me, “It’s going to be okay, Kayla.” I would be RICH. 

I would think, what about now? How does the notion of “it will BE okay” justify whether I AM okay? 

Everyone always talks about how it WILL get better. You WILL get through this. You WILL be okay. 

How about… 

You ARE getting through this. You ARE making progress. You ARE getting better. 

Yes, having hope for the future is so important and honestly, a big part of growing through things. 

But I want YOU to know…

You are improving. You are getting stronger every moment of every day. 

How about now, though? 

My heart aches for you. You, who is struggling in the now. 

However, I want to say just one thing. 

God. Is. With. You. 

The beauty of the “now” is that God is there. Yes, it will be okay. You are safe! Why? Because God has you in the PALM of His hand! What better comfort? 

God has covered you in His grace. Head to toe. Situation to situation. Experience to experience. 

I have this huge desire to share. Preach, if you will. It sounds cliche, but a huge part of my calling is to uplift. Encourage. To share the gospel truth. Make people feel SEEN and heard. Along with music, it is a big part of who I am. 

So, I want to get a hold of you. You, the one struggling in the ‘now’. Listen to me…

You are seen. You are heard. You are LOVED. 

By Who? The man who DIED for YOU. The man who healed the sick, gave the blind sight, the lame step—He chose death so that YOU could live. 

The man who was flogged, spat at, whipped, mocked—knows you. Every little thing about you. 

He knows your struggle. Your happy side, your sad side. 

Most of all, He knows your version of ‘now’. He knows you are getting frustrated with everything, He knows you are exhausted by all the life stuff….He really does get it. 

I just want to remind you that, the ‘now’ of your struggle is the most important part. When you do get to higher ground spiritually, emotionally—you will be thankful for the hard stuff. I know I am. 

When you become so exhausted spiritually that you can barely pray without feeling as though there’s no point; 

When you get so overwhelmed with life’s business that you simply fall apart at the seams; 

When the NOW of your situation is too hard to bear; 

You’ll look back and marvel. You really will. I promise. 

So, in conclusion…(kuddos to you who made it through the entire post) Find joy in your ‘now’. Look up. Stay encouraged. Because the God of the now has a sufficient plan for you, friend! 


Mikayla Poff 


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