Precious in His Sight | Insecurities


Precious in His Sight

Since the world began, men and women have struggled with finding what will satisfy them. We long for approval from our parents, our teachers, and even our friends. I don't know about you, but I think most of us struggle with discontentment, or being dissatisfied with what we have. The list could be endless of the things that we mentally put a great price tag on. However, none of this really seems to help. Instead it somehow leaves us emptier and even more dissatisfied than before.
You see, while we are wasting our time on things that will only leave us bitter and angry, there is someone who is already waiting for us to turn to Him. We were created with a special purpose. We were designed to want to be loved, but we cannot be fulfilled unless we go  to the one who is love. Think about that thing or person you believe to be the most important in the world. God saw all of that, and He looked down from the pearly gates of Heaven, and he said "I want her/him." Not only did he say he wants us, he also wants a personal relationship with us, and he moved Heaven and earth (literally) to make that happen. Psalms 17:8 says, "keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me in the shadow of thy wings." How cool is it that the God of the universe keeps us as the apple of his eye?

We are truly God's masterpiece, and we are more precious to him than anything else that he ever created. He isn't just speaking empty words when he says, "I have chosen you," but he proved it on Calvary when he came to set us free from the chains of sin. God has amazing plans for you, and you may think it is impossible, but my friend God has already paid the price. Satan will always try to throw things in our way to make us fail, however we have a friend who will walk closer than a brother that will always be there to pick us up. 

People may say we aren't talented enough, but they are so wrong. God does not call the qualified, instead he qualifies those who he chooses to call. He sees our inabilities and weaknesses, yet He loves us just as we are. We may face some challenges along the way, but we will never be truly content until we learn how valuable we are. Nothing is more satisfying that surrendering our lives to Christ and living in His perfect will. We are already so precious in God's sight. Whatever may come, God has chosen us to be his children. 


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