
In today’s world it is hard to know who you can trust. With crazy telemarketers, email scams, credit card theft, and hacked Facebook accounts, it can really be just plain scary at times. Broken families are sadly becoming the norm for today’s society, and it’s shocking how easily trust is destroyed. The people you look up to seem to have all let you down in some way, and you are left to cope with conflict. Or perhaps your situation is the exact opposite. Everyone seems to believe that you could do everything better and try as you might, you can’t get past a wall of doubt. 

Your fears of missing God’s will are greater than your faith in Him, and you don’t understand why. Well my friend, I often find myself in the same boat. So today,  I am going to share with you some ways to conquer your fears and choose to trust the one, the only one, who can set you free from your fears.

First of all, you must realize that trust is a choice. We must choose to have a clear perspective and keep our own thoughts in line. Taking captive of your thoughts, because it is vital if you are going to build trust. Believing the best about people is extremely important. Negativity is a pit that you can easily fall into, and is extremely difficult to climb out of.  Steer clear of the wall of doubt, and you will be well on your way to fully trusting God. Surrender your thoughts to Him today.

Secondly, spend time with God. In order to build trust, you must start by taking the time to develop your relationship with God. Reading His Word and praying are some great ways to know God better. By spending time with God, you are allowing Him to be intimately involved with your life. He cares about everything. A strand of hair will not fall from your hair that He is not aware of. Nothing about your life will ever catch God by surprise. He has a plan and has your best interest in mind. If you choose to trust Him, there is no telling what He will do with your life. He can do anything with anyone. God does not call the qualified, but instead He qualifies those who have been called.

Thirdly, an important factor that most Christians forget to do is to simply praise God. Social media is often a source of discontentment for many people. That dress, that house, that car, or maybe even that job that you don’t have. It can be tempting to be jealous and to compare what you have to that person. Counter these temptations by being thankful. Don’t just count your blessings once a year at Thanksgiving, but implement this activity into your daily life. This can also help you to avoid negative thoughts and replace them with gratitude.

 Psalms 100:4-5 says “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”

Trust in Him, because He truly is trustworthy. He is the best secret keeper, he can ease any burden, and he will always love you. When your world is upside down, you can count on Him;  no matter what.

Corrie Ten Boom once said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.



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