Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever- Hebrews 13:8

The same God who walked with people of faith in the Bible still walks with you today! God is the same whether things are going good or bad, he is still there, when you are having trouble. Things like this don't take God by surprise.

 The same God that formed the Earth in 6 days also made you, he walks with you and cares about you! Isn't this enough to trust him? 

We go through trials and tribulations, but even through that God never changes. He is the same now that He has ever been. God sees you where you are and he meets with you! He knows your needs, you just have to ask for help.

God has been showing me recently that things are always good, but when they aren't good I have an ultimate, never changing friend who walks through it with me. He makes it better. I am not saying that being a Christian and trusting God will take all your pain away.  I am saying that Jesus comes along and he helps you bear those burdens. Jesus cares for you and he cares for me!

God loves us the same no matter what we have done. He loves us and will always love us. For God so LOVED THE WORLD He gave His only son to die for our sin. Unconditional love means that God will love us through any condition his love doesn't change when our status changes Praise the Lord for that!!! 

Jesus knows what it is like to walk here on Earth. He has experienced the things that we experience everyday. Satan tempted Jesus, just because Jesus lived a sinless life doesn't mean his life wasn't hard. It was hard just reading through some of the scriptures. Jesus Wept when one of his dear friends died, Jesus was betrayed and killed to save us!

That same God that so vastly made the planet spin and numbers all the stars knows your name and loves you! "We love Him because he first loved us." - John 4:19. This is also true for others we can love others, because God loves us.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope it is an encouragement for you throughout this week! Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments below! 👇


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