

by Erin Fuller

It's the time of year when things are growing; the grass is actually green, flowers are budding, and the birds are singing louder than ever. We are beginning to see the things we have so longed for during the cold and harsh winter season. I believe that God has ordained the transition from winter to spring, in order to help us realize the importance of our spiritual growth. It is easy for our Christian walk to get mundane and tedious. Oftentimes, we desire to grow, but we aren't sure how.

Spiritual growth is not something that happens overnight, just like physical growth. It is a process, and there is no end to it, we will keep growing until Jesus comes! If you have received Jesus as your Savior, than I am happy to inform you that you have already taken the first step!

So, how can you grow?  Here are three major things that have helped me in my walk with Christ...


Being a Christian is not a part to play, and one of the best ways to grow is to simply be faithful in the things you can do. Simple things like reading your Bible, praying, and obeying God's commandments. Developing godly habits is one of the best things you can do for your spiritual life.  Luke 16:10 says, "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much." 

Being Intentional

You can be a consistent Christian, however it is extremely easy to just get into the routine of things and to avoid putting your heart into it. We can skim a chapter, pray, and even obey someone without even taking it to heart. Be intentional and step out of your comfort zone to do something for Christ. Consistency and intentionality go hand in hand. When we are intentional Christians, we have so much potential! Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."


Humbling yourself before God is one of the most beneficial things you can ever do as a Christian. Some of the most godly people that I have ever met have also been the humblest.  These men and women have left an impact on me that I cannot fully describe. Everyone single one of them had a way of graciousness that I will never forget. When I say being humble, I don't mean you have to walk around in sackcloth and ashes, but having a teachable spirit. One of the signs that you are where you need to be spiritually is that you are easy to correct. James 4:10 says, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up."

I do not profess to know all the answers, or to be the model Christian. I am simply blessed to have been set free from the chains of sin and to be on my way to Heaven. I hope this was a spiritual stepping stone to all of you. I pray that each one of you will grow in Christ in this year of 2021! 

~Elegantly Erin~


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