Defeating the Darkness

Hey, everyone! It’s Mikayla and I’m back with something raw, as well as honest:)

Here’s a warning that there will be some transparency ahead!

Recently, I’ve had a whirlwind experience. The last five months seem unreal to think about. I was in a season of trial and testing. I was struggling with a difficult sickness and I didn’t know why or what it was. So much so, that I lost a significant amount of weight due to that sickness and was very weak. I considered myself broken all throughout. Peer drama, surrounding me and my actions, just kept hitting like a rock. Life just wasn’t fair at times. The devil was fighting something fierce.

I said all that not to focus on my struggles, to give myself pity or attention, but to testify to how God used my struggle in the darkness. 

He used the heartache and prospered me. 

He molded me into a better masterpiece by using the shattered pieces of my life. 

He turned my brokenness into beauty.

But where was Jesus in the darkness? 

I spent so much time on my knees at my bedside asking God where He was working amidst the chaos. Where was Jesus? How could He be using this?

What I have learned is, it’s in the darkness that God is the closest. Did I feel Him? No. Was He working? Yes, like never before. Well, how do you defeat the darkness? 

By staying faithful. Choose to put your trust in God! Surrender yourself to Him every single day, even if you don’t see why you should. God will do amazing things with you if you give every single part of your heart and life to Him, friend! Why is God letting this happen to me? What did I do?

 Let’s reflect on Job real quick. Job was one of the most godliest men out there. He was so close to God! I can imagine some people looked up to Job and his faithfulness to the Lord.  However, Job suffered a lot. Probably more than we could imagine. He lost everything! But you know what? He never gave up on God. He knew he was going to see the light again. Job had some dark times, but he would never let the devil ruin him. Did Job have times when he was confused? Oh...I’m so sure. He had no idea what was being said between God and Satan! However, he knew God had a plan. 

One thing we can learn from Job is that we should always stay faithful to God especially in the darkness! God indeed has a plan for your life. It may be scary sometimes. You will be in the darkness, but you will always see the light!

“For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” - Psalm 30:5

See? Hold on, because joy is coming. God is using your pain and heartache, trust me;) 

I defeated darkness, and joy has come for me. Am I still healing? Yes! Do I still struggle? Oh definitely. Will I experience darkness in the future? Yes! I have no doubt I’ll be in the darkness again, but I know God works in the most peculiar ways and will be by my side! 

I still have no idea why I am so sick all the time, or what it all means, but I have chosen to surrender that to God. He will never give me more than I can handle. Is it hard and confusing sometimes? You have no idea, but like Job, I’m not giving up on God. He knows and is paving the way for me. 

You know, the sun always rises every morning.  I don’t know what you are facing today, but I know God is working in your life even in this very moment. I’m confident you can defeat the darkness today, friend:))

Stay encouraged:))


  1. Such a wonderful post ,Thank you for opening your heart and sharing this with us ,you are such an encouragement to me and so many others ,you always find good even when it seems all is bad ,You always remind us how God is always there to pick us up when we stumble ,Thank you so much for this very meaningful heart touching post ,
    I pray that God will continue to bless you as you are such a blessing to others ,God is using you in wonderful ways ,you are a true Missionary ,Thank you for being Gods faithful servant ,your friend.
    Danielle Sherron


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