~Culture Shock~

"Who will be the first to lead the way

I will be the one

Who will stand in the gap

Who will watch and pray

I will be the one

Who will walk with his brother in unity

Who will live by faith and integrity

Who will say to the Lord, "Here am I send me"


I will be the one

I will be the one that God is looking for

I will never be ashamed

In the name of the Lord

I'll stand and proclaim

Yes, I will be the one

Yes, I will be the one”


I first heard this song at the Central Pennsylvania Youth Convention, sung by the Shelbyville Holiness Church (shoutout to them for doing an amazing job). While I was listening to this song, I was struck with the thought that there really aren’t many people standing up for righteousness and being “the one.” Our world’s leaders find making money and gaining  power more important than doing what is right. Unfortunately, I have to say that the church is partially to blame for this. We have failed to reach this fallen world and stand up against what is wrong. 

If the church can influence the culture, then the society will follow suit. Our leaders will become what society wants, including what moral standards and policies they hold. I acknowledge that there is only so much we can do, but I have to wonder if maybe we haven’t done enough. When the church begins to change the standards and to become more like the world, that is when we start losing the power and the flavor. While we have tried to attract the world by becoming like the world, we have ended up allowing the world to take over the church. Romans 12:2a says, “ be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” There is no living in the past, however neither should we sit around and complain. We need to take responsibility for our actions, and do something about it. 

We can’t be afraid to take action. No, we shouldn’t do anything that we know is potentially dangerous for us spiritually, however we should be open to start doing things for God. If He is on our side, who can we fear? 

Get involved with your local politics. Start more outreach in your church. Witness to those you work with. If we want to see a change in the world, then we must start by being the change. I agree with something that William Booth (the General & Founder of the Salvation Army) said, “We must wake ourselves up! Or somebody else will take our place, and bear our cross, and thereby rob us of our crown.”

Just like the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, we the church have been sleeping. It’s time to wake up and start living like we enjoy being Christians. The Salvation Army influenced so many lives during Booth’s service. I read not long ago that while they were in the British Isles from 1881-1884, approximately 250,000 people were saved. 

What has happened to our power? Is it because God is not working? No my friends, God is working and I’m not saying that some of our works haven’t been effective, but in order for us to be even more effective we must seek His face. God wants more than anything to empower those who love Him, yet He won’t until we ask Him.

All I can say is, I want to be someone who stands up for the truth, even in some small way. I challenge you to join with me, and seek God for direction in how we can be more effective Christians. The most important thing is to surrender your will and life to God, and He will make something beautiful out of it.

He will take you places you’d never thought you’d go. His plans might look way different than yours, but if you just simply say, “I will be the one God is looking for, no matter what I may face” and mean it with all of your heart, there is no telling of what God can do with your life.

If you want different circumstances, a better government, and a nicer society - be the change. Be the difference. Live in such a way that if you were accused of being a Christian, there would be evidence to convict you. 

~Elegantly Erin~

P.S. Here is the link to the song that was mentioned in the article:



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