~ Even Me ~

 Even me someone who has sinned and sinned. He still forgives me. He gave his life. So I can live.


For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting Life. - John 3 : 16

Yes, everyone knows this verse, but I think we all sometimes forget the real true meaning of this verse. It gets clichรฉ and we just get so used to saying it and yet we ask ourselves what does this actually mean. 

It means Jesus died for me... A sinner someone that has failed him so many times. I am not worthy, but he did it even still.

God took me and you just as we are. There is no person that is not good enough God. We are all precious in His sight. He loved us too much just to throw us away. 

HE DIED FOR YOU!! If you were the only person on Earth Jesus would still come to die, so you could have a chance to be in heaven. Jesus gave his life so we could live.

We all are filthy sinners and we don't deserve it, but He gives grace. God is a God of second chances. Sometimes we may feel like God has forsaken us, but God has never once failed us. He never will. God always hears you. He hasn't failed me and he will not start today.

I have personally seen God use people that came from broken homes and messed up backgrounds. Those people are some of the strongest Christians I know.

God can work through anybody no matter what the circumstance. Sometimes I think we can be quick to judge people, but we forget that God loved us and He loves EVERYONE! God doesn't care where you come from. God can use even you if you let Him.

The devil uses the excuse that you are not good enough for God and he will never love you, and he is right we are not good enough for God, yet he loves us anyways. We cannot earn our salvation. God’s grace is a gift, free to all who ask for it. He loves every person on the Earth no matter what.

We love Him because he first loved us. Jesus can do nothing for us to "make" us be a Christian. No one on earth can force us to go one way or another. All we can do is pray that everyone will see that Jesus has your best interest at heart.

Jesus has done so much for us. We should forever be grateful for what he has done. We are so undeserving and yet He was so loving to make us a wonderful place called Heaven. 

All praise and glory to God, because we could never do anything on our own. 

We should love others, because he loved us. Remember, next time you are thinking about not liking someone;  we were not worthy of it, but God loves us.

For God so Loved the World that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever Believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. ~John 3 :16


-Authentically Allison-


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