

by Abby Loper

   I have always considered myself to be pro-life and against abortion. I grew up in a home where life was special. My church participated in many events where we promoted life and prayed for the end to abortion. I always thought just believing abortion was wrong was enough and while it is very important to believe in something, to make a real difference you have to do something. 

      I was around six months pregnant with my daughter when I watched the movie “unplanned” the story of Abby Johnson a former director of an abortion clinic. Her story of redemption is amazing. While I watched that movie and sobbed, I heard God say to me, “There are babies dying like that everyday, are you going to help them?”.


      That day I promised I was not going to just believe abortion was wrong, I was going to try and do something about ending abortion. I have started speaking out more about the horrors of abortion. I have started bringing awareness the best I can to pregnancy centers and talking about ways to donate to them. I believe Christians need to stand up for what is right in order for abortion to be looked down upon. 

     Why am I pro-life? I am pro-life because as a Christian I know life is a gift from God. His word, the Bible, tells us He knew us before we were even made. He knew us in our mother’s womb and He even knit us together. Jesus came to earth as a baby in Mary’s womb.


     I am also pro-life because science even proves that life begins at conception. Babies in the womb are fully human and alive, they don’t do anything to deserve a traumatic death such as abortion. 

     We all must be pro-life as Christians and we must stand up for what is right. Around 3,000 preborn babies are aborted every day in the United States. Since 1973, approximately 62 million babies have been aborted. 

     How can we make a difference in a fallen world? We must not be afraid to speak out against abortion. Posting about it on social media, educating and researching for yourself about why abortion is wrong, donating to your local pregnancy center or volunteer, and having those conversations with people is so important. Praying for the end to abortion is the number one thing we can do. Prayer plus our outward actions is a difference maker. We need to help women in crisis especially, as the church body. We need to be a refugee for them and not a place of judgement. 

      It can be uncomfortable to talk about something that is sadly so controversial among our society. We need to remember that we are on the winning side, we are on the side that is against violence in the womb and against innocent babies. Abortion is never okay and it’s important to spread that message to women in need.

      I am pro-life because I know life is a gift from God, life begins at conception, and we all have the right to life. I encourage you to step out in some way and support life.


  1. Good post. I have tried recently to pray that all the babies who are saved from abortion will also be saved from their sins so they can go to Heaven. There will be many babies there who were not allowed to live here but we, the church, need help spare them and help share Jesus with those spared.💗


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