Christ-Like Attitude

You may talk the way a Christian does, but do you walk the way a Christian should?

The Christian life is not about keeping your reputation just so you look the Christian part,  it is about giving up your heart and life to Jesus.

This includes your emotions, actions and even your thoughts. Let the amazing light of Jesus shine through you.

The first of these is a “Play-Acting Role.”. A person wants to be a Christian but doesn't have TRUE faith.

Mostly out of fear that God won't give them just what they want. 

The second of these is “True & Faithful.” They handed the wheel to Jesus and don't care what people think of them.

They don’t see the need to only think of their reputation and what others think of them.

Throwing on the Act 

It is not a role that is taken, it is a responsibility that is serious. It’s too important to just throw around.

No, that doesn't mean you walk around with your head held high. No one is better than anyone else.

Just because you have a different way of life, we need to connect with people and get on their level of thinking in a Christian way. 

Not Better Than Anyone

Jesus was humble, he took the form of a servant, it says in Philippians 2:7.

We are in no way better than anyone. Jesus was humble. He didn't think that he was too good to save us.

Did he? We need a Christ like attitude for the new year.

Role Model

When you tell people just what Jesus has done for you, people know you mean business.

Prove that you are a TRUE Christian. Witness, walk in the way of light. People are watching you all the time.

Do you show Jesus in you speaking and actions? Do they see Jesus in me? Through me do they know who Jesus is? 

Ask yourself these questions:

 When people watch you….

 What do you do? How do you act?

*Jesus is ashamed when we are not proud to be a Christian.*


You have to commit. It is a choice that only you can make. No one in the world can make the decision for you.

If you do decide to go with Jesus you need to stay committed. Having your devotions one way you can commit.

Pray,read your Bible. Yes, I know it sounds cliche but this helps you to keep you accountable to Christ.

This keeps your eyes off of the things of this world and onto things that are godly. 

Shine the light to all the world. He is the light, you are just the distributor. Trust and Obey.

You have no other choice if you want to be a Christian. You never know when Jesus may come.

Be ready at any time. He is waiting for YOU. Call upon him. No more faking.

~ Allison Myers~


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