Overwhelmingly Grateful

"From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."  
Psalm 61:2

In a world full of chaos, it is easy to be overwhelmed. Whether you are a homeschool mom who is tired & overloaded, or a teenager ((like me)) struggling with demands of life, remember it's okay to be stressed. It's normal. 

I assure you, Jesus was more than a little stressed out with the money changers in the temple. However, the way that you handle your emotions is an entirely different story. If stress leads you to sin than shake it off.

I have to admit, I tend to be a worrywart. When I'm not exactly sure how something will turn out. I like to "stress about stressing." I plan things way ahead in advance, so I can stress over the tiny details. You may find that funny, but it's reality for me. It's how I cope. 

Being a pastor's/evangelist's kid has taught me that there are some real stressors to ministry. It's not all fun and games. There have been some hard things that I have had to go through, just like the rest of you have. I am learning that the more overwhelmed I am, the more I trust God. 

Whatever you are facing, shake off your fears of the future. Leave your stress and anxiety at the feet of Jesus.1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast ALL (not just some of them) your cares upon Him; for he cares for you"

Turn your stress into gratitude. I have found finding something positive to think of in the midst of a trial, it can keep you on the right track. It takes the wisdom of Almighty God to know how to handle our struggles. Seek Him. Praise Him. Find Him.


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