{Obedience to God}

~Obedience to God~

_In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success._
Proverbs 3:6

Your obedience to God is so important. If you loose that obedience and faithfulness the line and connection is broken between you and God. If the Lord wants something of you, you better do it. Corrie ten boom is one of my favorite people and there was something she said that is really important. Especially in these days. 

The safest place to be is in the center of God's will.
- Corrie ten Boom

I am not saying that being in the center of God's will and in his obedience is easy. I am just saying that you have Jesus right there beside you to help you along the way. In a book that Corrie ten Boom wrote she was in a concentration camp in Germany, and the last place she ever wanted to go was Germany. But she knew the Lord was leading her to Germany. Yet she ignored it. At that point she lost that special connection with God. Later she asked God " what do YOU want for my life.

Corrie got an immediate answer... Germany. At that point she had to obey. and because of that she helped so many people in a place she never wanted to go.

We need to be very aware of what the Lord wants of us. We should be praying everyday. " Lord is this what you want for my life." We should not control our lives. Put it in God's hands. He knows what to do in every situations. 

When the troubles of life get you down ask Jesus how he would handle this. Ask yourself. How do I go about this with a Godly attitude. keep your connection with God clear. Put your utmost effort into keeping the line of connection open. We need more people to look up and show obedience to God.

Our obedience should not be given to man. The most powerful person on earth doesn't compare to the Power and Glory of God. He deserves every bit of praise and honor. 

So my conclusion is that If you keep your obedience strong and you are right in the center of God's will. You are in the most safe place ever.

Have a great week
and carry these thought.

-Artistically Inspired-
Allison Myers



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