He Makes Beauty Out of Ashes

He Makes Beauty Out of Ashes

(Isaiah 61:3)

We as humans look at broken things and think they aren’t worth anything anymore. Why would they be? They are completely shattered, making them useless. Shouldn’t you just throw it away?

I am so glad that God doesn’t share our opinion when it comes to that. Instead of seeing us as worthless, He sees us as masterpieces in progress. He doesn’t see us as useless...He sees our true potential. He didn’t die on the cross for you just to throw you away when you broke. He knew it would happen, and He still walked that steep hill to be nailed onto a crude, rugged cross just for you.

Sometimes God will make you go through something that rocks your world and leaves you hurting and broken. You might question why God would send you through something like that. But, here’s the thing: God knows your future. He knew what you were going to do even before you were conceived.

He wants you to give your brokenness to Him. He wants you to run into His arms so He can surround you with His big arms of loving-kindness. If you choose to give all of the hurt and bitterness to God, He will make something so beautiful out of you and your life.

Trust me whenever I say that harboring bitterness and hatred towards a person or a situation does literally nothing besides destroy you. You’ll only find relief and forgiveness whenever you turn to Jesus for help. He makes forgiving so much easier! One of my favourite songs is “Your Ways Are Higher Than Mine” by the Collingsworth family. It basically says that even though we can’t pick our battles, God is sending us through those specific ones on purpose, and He has a method to what we might think is His “madness”.

Life won’t always be butterflies and roses. But when those times of hurting and breaking come, we can rest assured that God has a plan for all of this and He loves all of us so much!

I hope this was an encouragement to every single one of you!!


Regina Dicken


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