God's Grace is Sufficient

~In a struggling world of today God's Grace is Enough~

"He said unto me 'My grace is sufficient for thee for my Strength is Made perfect in Weakness.'"

2 Corinthians 12: 9

 Life today could seem like it goes every which way and it's hard to control, but let me tell you something. Even when we don't deserve it, Jesus gives us divine grace. We are not worthy of anything the Lord bestows on us. 

When you are down and not feeling your best, the Lord gives you strength to fight the day and live on. When we have sin and make wrong choices God forgives us. Romans 3: 23 and 24 says " For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Being justified freely by his GRACE through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."

Jesus gives you a second chance when it is undeserved. We are so undeserving of His grace and yet He gives and gives and gives. Sometimes we just need to surrender and trust that God knows best and he will help you fight every battle. God intervenes on your behalf so you can have that second chance.

Yes, we might fail again but God will be there to give more grace. There is no valley, no darkness, heartbreak that the Lord can not give grace for. God is on his almighty throne, he knows what to do at every moment. The Lord is so gracious and loving. He sent his son to die so we could live. That is divine grace.

He could never do enough to be deserving. But one thing we can do is give that grace to others. It is the Christmas season and we should have gracious loving hearts because Christmas is the time where God sent his son, his biggest act of grace and a second chance. 

Jesus told a parable of how someone owed a lot and the king cleared all his debt. But someone owed that guy a few dollars and he put him in jail because he couldn't pay. 

Jesus has given us so much, be thankful in these times.

Truly yours,

Allison Myers

- Artistically Inspired


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