God is Always Faithful

The LORD is always faithful.

 Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not on your own understanding in the sight of GOD and man." 

God always knows what is going on. He is always in control. Go ahead and tell me a time when he was not faithful. The Lord is in control of everything. He knew who was going to win the election. I don't know what is going on in your life. I do know that the Lord is in control and he knows what is going to happen in the future he knows.

Whatever is happening in your life the Lord knows and the Lord sees you just where you are. He can help if you put your faith in him. Jesus wants to help you. He wants you to give him your faith and your trust. The Lord wants you to trust. He wants to help, but maybe you're just pushing Him away. 

The Lord has perfect timing. His timing is always right. He knows just when you need help or just when you need him. The Lord doesn't force you to give him your trust it is a decision that you have to make on your own. When was the Lord less than almighty? Be strong in the Lord. The Lord will always keep his promises. There was never a morning that His mercies weren't new. All these things are things that the Lord has never failed me with. 

Even when I am going through something Hard the Lord shows me that he is there I don't need to fear. The devil is out there,  he is trying to get every Christian and bring them down.  Satan throws these bad things at you and if I didn't have the Lord on my side I don't know if I would make it through some of those things. Some people may tell you that being a Christian is easy, but let me tell you it is not. However, God is right there with us to help us through it. 

Keep your mind on the Lord.

- Authentically Allison - 

Allison Myers


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