Always Another Sunrise๐ŸŒ…


~The sun may set on one opportunity, but it will always rise on another~

There is nothing quite like the dawning of a new day. Sunrises bring new opportunities, new hope, and a new day. Sunrises seem so spectacular, drawing us in without much consideration on our part. Doesn't this sound so much like life? A new job, a new car, and even a new family member is always exhilarating. Sunrises may not speak words, yet they put our troubles in perspective. Just wait for that horizon to turn gold. You're just gonna have to stick around long enough for it to dawn on you.

As life prolongs, or as the day goes on in this case, we find that our commitments can become burdensome. No matter how dedicated you are, there are times when you can become emotionally exhausted and physically drained. Sometimes we become so absorbed in the things of life, trying to offer others what we can't just plain can't give. If we don't first saturate ourselves in the word of God, we will not have anything to give them. Saturation causes something to be "completely and totally drenched with liquid." 

Are you completely and totally drenched with the Holy Spirit? How long has it been since you sought His face without being interrupted? Are you being daily renewed with the strength, to mount up with "eagle's wings?" Do your friends and family see Jesus in you? Friends, if we don't first seek Him, we will have nothing, yes nothing, to offer a sinful world. Soak in the presence of Almighty God. 

Sunsets bring us a sense of sadness to know that the day is over, although for some it may bring excitement. They have their own beauty, always seeming to bring more colors to the sky. I have to wonder, what if sunsets represent the "goodbyes" of life? To remind us that letting go can be beautiful, no matter how hard it may be.

The sun may set before you want it to, or a door may close that you wish were open, but there will always be a glimmer of hope for you. God will make a way for His children. It may be the end of the page, or a chapter, but you can rest assured. God will never throw the book away. He cares about the lilies of the field. How much more does He care about you? 

While you wait for that sunrise, don't be idle with your time. Psalm 113:3 says, "From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised." Just because the sun's gone down, doesn't give you any reason to not praise Him.

Sometimes it's a sunrise we wish for, but often the sunset is what we truly need. Letting go of things helps us to appreciate the things God has already given to us. Hold on to hope, there will be another sunrise. You just gotta make it through the night.

~Elegantly Erin~


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