Dear Introverted Me

Dear Introverts,

Google simply defines us as "a shy, reticent person." 

Yet the struggle for introverts is so much more than "shyness." *cue the Amens*

We are often thought to not have an opinion, because we don't think to share it.

Social interactions are draining, and you don't even know why.

Everyone thinks your crazy, because you'd rather be home reading a book instead of partying.

You always feel tongue-tied when you are asked to speak.

You are labeled as being too quiet. Too passive. 

I know, I've been called all those things & more.

I get it. I feel the struggle. *sigh*

But remember, your worth is not defined by your personality type.

It's okay to be sensitive. It's okay to be you. 

God made you special, you are the only one of your kind. 

Yours Truly,

An Introvert 

Photo Creds: My Momma💗


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