Lonely Leah


How many times have you heard the story of Jacob? Each time you've heard his story, who have you felt sorry for? Leah or Rachel? If I were to be completely honest, I would have to say I usually Leah was the criminal in my mind. The love triangle that brought so much hurt and pain. 

We don't know much about Leah, the story doesn't include her side of things. The Bible tells us she was "gentle and timid" while Rachel was "beautiful." She was the unlucky, unloved older sister. Leah's the third-wheel that no one pays attention to. 

No one ever worked 7 years for her. The only hope for her to get married is to trick the groom. Can you imagine? Your father marrying her away to her baby sister's boyfriend...to get rid of her.

Leah was unloved. No matter what she does, even though she bore Jacob six sons, he still doesn't love her like Rachel. Imagine going through life, always feeling at odds with your husband and her sister.

You know what grips me about this story? Leah, though Rachel was the beautiful one, God made her story beautiful. The God of compassion, of comfort, reached down and saw lonely Leah. I believe with all of my heart, that during the time in her life when she was unable to bear children...he granted her more children, to take away, at least a fraction of the sting. 

You may feel unloved, unimportant, even lonely. But remember, you're not the only one.

It's only natural to want to be accepted. Leah fought this her entire life, until she realized that she was already so accepted by her Father in Heaven. You may feel like a Leah in a world full of Rachel's, but remember a beautiful life before God is one that is surrendered to Him. 

~Elegantly Erin~


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