God’s Best

Today I’d like to share my story; God’s calling on my life. I felt He wanted me to share this with y’all today, and I hope you find it helpful❤️

  Remember that everyone’s experience is different. Your experience isn’t going to be like mine or your dad’s or your pastor’s. You are so special to God, that his plan for your life is so unique than anyone else’s. 

It started when I was a young girl, probably around the age of 5 or so. All my best friends and I decided we were going to start a school for children. Each of us would teach a certain class, I believe my subject was Science. We planned..we dreamed..we imagined “Fuller’s Schoolhouse.” 

Eventually, we forgot about it, but little did I know that God was using that childhood dream to plant a desire in my heart. “Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” You may think that God doesn’t care about the desires of your heart, but He does. Who do you think gave you those desires? 

For several years, I contemplated becoming a veterinarian. However, after I learned what that job would entail, I decided that for the sake of my weak intestines, that was not for me๐Ÿ˜‚ DISCLAIMER: I’m not saying that God doesn’t call people to be veterinarians, it just wasn’t what God wanted for me. 

When I truly got saved, God began showing me things that I had no idea we’re even in my heart...One day I thought, and now looking back I know it was God, “What about being a teacher?” There was a serene peace that followed, it just felt so right. Anytime I’m with kids, I feel closest to Him. 

Anytime I’ve doubted that teaching wasn’t for me, God has always reminded me of the childhood dream. Sometimes the little things in your life that you would never imagine they would amount to anything important are the very things God uses to accomplish His will. 

You have to commit your way to the Lord before He can reveal His will to you. You also have to lower your expectations of how you think He will work. God works in mysterious way.

God's way is better than your way. His plan is bigger than your plan. His dream for your life is more rewarding, more fulfilling, better than you could ever dream. Stay open to His will, and let God do it His way. 

~Elegantly Erin~


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