The Middle of My Storm

Sometimes we think that if we are in the center of God's will, our lives will be picture perfect; the "sky" so to speak will never turn gray. Remember life is not always sunshine. 

Death, sorrow, pain, and sleepless nights come to all humans. Matthew 5:25b says "for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." 

However, the storms that come our way are not our biggest problem. It's our reactions to them. Weathering the storms of life is extremely difficult. We feel as though we are "sinking" down. 

Remember Peter only sank on the water because he took his eyes off the Master. Be aware of God's overwhelming presence even in the midst of the storm. 

Right now our world looks pretty gray. Mask mandates, social distancing, and drive-in services are obstacles that none of us would have dreamed that we would experience this year. Let's remember the story of Joseph. 

He was disowned by his brothers, sold to strangers, and spent time in prison for doing the right thing. Joseph could have allowed bitterness into his life, yet he chose to trust God. You know why? Because his life was about more than family, and being accepted. His life was totally, 100% about God. 

  Still in the end he was able to forgive his brothers & to say “But as for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it for good to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” 

  My point is, you may not see a rainbow in every storm, but you can know in your heart that even if God never reveals why you had to go through that trial. God is still in control.Keep your eyes on him, and in the meantime: listen to this song⬇️




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