
Hi guys! In this post I want to take time to talk about imperfection. I just want to let you know I am not perfect hard to believe right just kidding. Today in the current world we all around us see people and the life they want us to see with social media, sometimes it can be a good thing and sometimes not so good. I myself struggle with insecurities thinking I will never be enough or good enough, but the word imperfect means flawed and a synonym in the Merriam Webster Dictionary is with fault. When I read that I think with fault well I am definitely flawed and with fault, but so is everyone around you we all have things that we arent confident about whether it be our looks our personality our talents. God made us who we are for a reason to honour and serve him with everything he has given to us our faults and flaws and everything else. So when you look in the mirror or just think I am not good enough or pretty enough or smart enough remember a God loves you in the Bible Psalms 139:14 (KJV)  I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Sidenote: the painting at the top is what helped me come up with this idea and I strongly felt that I was supposed to. You see when you paint you make mistakes whether it be a small blemish or a big mistake and imperfections are just apart of the process. While I make mistakes making painting God didnt make a mistake when he created you.


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